Off Page SEO is nothing but the technique to improve the search engine ranking for our keywords. It is use to build back link on the websites. It is a long term process and it must be done regularly. Off pages optimization is done offsite is done offsite and usually it is not visible on our website. Off page optimization is as important as On Page optimization. It is factors just like link building, social media, videos etc., are very important for SEO of your website.

Types of links

There are three types of Off Page SEO link are follows:-

  • Natural Links
    • Natural links come to your site naturally. You do not have to put effort or make strategies to earn such links is knows as Natural link.
  • Built Links
    • Built links are generate through outreach. You have to earn such links by reaching out to webmasters, publishers is knows as Built links.
  • Created Links
    • Created links are generate for your website from self-submissions on directories, forums, and press releases is knows as Created link.

Off page SEO Techniques

Off page SEO Techniques
Off page SEO Techniques


PageRank is an algorithm use by Google for link analysis. It was invent by Larry Page and Sergey Brin; the owners of Google.

Some link building strategies to improve your Google PageRank

  • List your site on popular directories and stay away from link farms that are not useful.
  • The part of online forums and share valuable the comments with backlinks to your website.
  • Publish relevant articles on trust and popular article submission sites.
  • The Find out popular sites them for link exchange.

Link Popularity

The Link Popularity is an important Off page SEO strategy. The high link popularity shows that more people are connect to your website. It contains useful content and information.

Type of link

There are two types of Links

  • Internal Link
  • External Link

Internal Link

 Internal links are the links from your own webpages is knows as Internal Link

External Link

External links are from other webpages and websites is knows as External Link.

Some guidelines

  • Keep your site and its links focus.
  • Share unique information.
  • Site should relate to your information.

Directory Submission

The Directory submission is a process of submitting your website URL to various web directories with the aim of building backlinks thus increasing business growth is knows as Directory Submission. Some directories are free and some charges a fee.

Some of the popular directory submission sites are flowing :-

Few benefits

  • The very Fast indexing
  • More traffic
  • Brand awareness
  • High the link popularity
  • High the page rank

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article.

To know more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) please Wikipedia click here .

Stay Connected Stay Safe, Thank you

Basic Engineer

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