JavaScript Strings
Strings are use to store and manipulate. It is a group of Characters is called String. String can be creates using single quotes and double quotes. It can be create using the following Syntax.
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Strings are use to store and manipulate. It is a group of Characters is called String. String can be creates using single quotes and double quotes. It can be create using the following Syntax.
This tag is use to create table in which we represent data in tabular formatted. Each table row is define with the “tr” tag. A table header is define with the “th” tag. A table data cell is define with the “td” tag is knows as HTML Table.
We use loops to perform repeated actions. For example If you are design a task of printing numbers from 1 to 100, it will be very hectic to do it manually, loop help us automatic such tasks.
Operators are use to performs mathematical and logical computations on operands. In JavaScript operators are use for compare values, perform arithmetic operations, Ternary Operators etc. There are various operators supported by JavaScript is knows as JavaScript Operators.
The comment tag is use to insert comments in the source code. Comments are not display in the browsers. We can use comments to explain our code, which can help us when we edit the source code at a later date. This is especially useful if we have a lot of code.
Forms are use to add an element of interactivity to website. HTML forms are use to collect different kinds of user input. Form elements are elements that allow the user to enter information in a form (like text fields, text area fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, check boxes, and other).
This property is use to the change the shape and size and position of any element on the web-page. It transforms the elements along the X-axis and Y-axis is knows as CSS 2D Transform. There are 6 Main transform method.
z-index property is use to create layer like stack in program. It use with positional element. The value of z-index must be integer value. Note: Z-index only works on position elements ( absolute, relative, fixed) and flex items.
It is used to display element in block level and inline level on web page. In other words, it is specify how to display element on web page. CSS display is the most important property of CSS(Cascading Style Sheets). is knows as Display Property CSS.
In HTML, images are defines with the tag. The img tag is empty, which means that it contains attributes only and it has no closing tag. To display an image on a page, we need to use the src attribute. src stands for “source”. The value of the src attribute Read more…