SEO Stand for Search Engine Optimization. In Simple terms, It means the process use to optimize a website’s technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable, more relevant and popular towards user search queries, and as a consequence, search engines rank them better is knows as SEO. Three Type of SEO

Three are three types of Search Engine Optimization

  • White hat SEO
  • Black hat SEO
  • Grey Hat SEO

White Hat SEO

The SEO techniques which are in accordance with the SEO guidelines set by the search engines is knows as White Hat SEO

Benefits of White hat SEO

  • only organic and ethical SEO activities are use in white hat SEO.
  • must follow search engine guidelines and algorithms.
  • white hat SEO technique is must for best long lasting, sustainable rankings and results.
  • for building positive online reputation white hat SEO technique is must.

Techniques of white hat SEO

  • making SEO and user friendly website according to the google updates and guidelines.
  • technique website loading speed and response is a must.
  • quality evergreen informative content gives best results.
  • meta tag and description should be keyword rich and relevant to page content and URL.
  • keep site structure user friendly.
  • point images and videos must be relevant to page content

Black Hat SEO

The SEO techniques which are not in accordance with the SEO guidelines set by the search engines is knows as Black Hat SEO.

Disadvantage of black hat SEO

  • this is completely unethical process.
  • volition of search engine guidelines and algorithms.
  • black hat SEO can provide quick and good results in short term but not sustainable and long lasting.
  • use of black hat SEO can get your domain black list and remove your website from search engine.
  • point blackhead tactics are spamming tactics.
  • point website will be penalized for lifetime


  • use of paid links
  • website over-optimization
  • hidden texts in the website
  • content scams
  • article spinning
  • link manipulation
  • hidden links
  • SEPR spam
  • cloaking
  • crooked website

Grey Hat SEO

The Combination of Black hat SEO and White Hat SEO is knows as Grey Hat SEO.

Grey Hat SEO
Grey Hat SEO

Different between White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

White Hat SEO Black Hat SEO
The techniques which comply with search engine guidelines are use to improve search engine rankings.The techniques which are not approved by search engines are use to improve SEO of a site.
Focus on providing quality and relevant content to the users.Don’t care about the quality of the content.
Suitable for people who are looking for a long-term investment.People looking for quick financial return prefer Black Hat SEO
It focuses on optimum use of keywords in title, metatags and body of content.Keyword density is increased to achieve higher search engine ranking.
Different Between Black Hat OR White Hat SEO
Different Between Black Hat OR White Hat SEO

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article.

To know more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) please Wikipedia click here .

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