SSD Explained

  • it is stand for Solid State Drive.
  • SSD has shorter read and write time .
  • SSD has low latency.
  • SSD contain only electronical parts.
  • SSD supports more input and output operations per second.
  • SSD limited  storage capacities.
  • SSD does not have fragmentation issues.
  • SSD is light-weight compared to HDD.
  • SSD is much more costly than HDD.
  • Data transfer based on random.
  • SSD is longer time reliable.
  • SSD is Slower reading data And writing data.
  • It is smaller in size.
  • If you want to know more about SSD , please check on .
Solid State Drive 2.5"

HDD Explained

  • it is stand for Hard Disk Drive
  • HHD has higher read and write time.
  • HHD has high latency.
  • HHD contains mechanical parts.
  • HHD supports fewer input and output operations per second.
  • Available in various different capacities.
  • HHD has fragmentation issues.
  • HHD is heavier.
  • HHD is cheaper.
  • HHD is longer time reliable.
  • Data transfer based on sequential ways.
  • HHD is Slower reading data And writing data.
  • It is larger in size.
  • If you want to know more about HHD , please check on .

HYBRIDS Explained

  • solid state hybrid drive(SSHD)
  • These drives combine the use magnetic disk and flash memory.
  • Hybrid take advantage of the large capacity and the low cost of magnetic disks, with the speed of an SSD.
  • In a hybrid drive, the magnetic disks would be used to store data
  • The flash memory would be used for the caching of the data.
  • These drives are pretty much automatic.
  • firmware in the drive will actually learn and decide by itself as to where the data will be stores.
  • The files that are access frequently, will be cache and store on the flash memory . The infrequently used data will be stored on the disks
  • If you want to know more about SSD , please check on .
Categories: Software

Basic Engineer

Hey Readers! We have more than fifteen years of experience in Software Development, IoT, Telecom, Banking, Finance and Embedded domain. Currently we are actively working on Data Science, ML and AI with multiple market leaders worldwide. Happy Reading. Cheers!


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