SQL server is the most popular database of microsoft company which was develop in 1989. SQL stands for Structure Query Language. It is RDBMs so in this case record is store in tabular format. It is platform dependent because it runs only on windows operating system.

SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

The SQL INSERT INTO  Value Statement is use to add new rows of data to a table in the database is knows as INSERT INTO Value Query


INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,  .... )

VALUES (values1,  values1, values1, .... )

Example of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Part 1

INSERT INTO school2 (id, name, birth_date, phone, gender)
(1,"raj", "1990-10-10", 784561236, "m");
Input Value of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Output of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Output Value of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Example of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Part 2

INSERT INTO school2 (id, name, birth_date, phone, gender)
(2, "rohit", "1990-11-10", 784561236, "m");
Input Value of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Output of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement

Output Value of SQL Insert INTO Value Statement


This statement copy data from one table and inserts it into another table is knows as SQL INSERT INTO SELECT Query.


The Copy all columns from one table to another table.


SELECT * FROM table1

WHERE condition;

The Copy only some columns from one table into another table.

INSERT INTO table2 (column1, column2, column3, column3  ...)
SELECT column1, column2, column3, column3 ...
FROM table1
WHERE condition;

SQL INSERT INTO Multiple Statement


Insert Into table_name (column1, column1, column1, ,,,, )


(value1, value2, value3, ....),

(value1, value2, value3, ....),

(value1, value2, value3, ....);

Example of SQL Insert Multiple Value statement

INSERT INTO person2 (id, name, birth_date, phone, gender)
(6, "rajan", "1998-09-11", 784561236, "m"),
(7, "anu", "1993-11-11", 784561236, "m"),
(8, "mohit", "1995-07-11", 784561236, "m"),
(9, "shayam", "1997-04-21", 784561236, "m"),
(10, "manmohan", "1999-11-12", 784561236, "m");
Input value of SQL Insert Multiple Value

Output of SQL Insert Multiple Value statement

Output value of SQL Insert Multiple Value

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article.

To know more about SQL please Wikipedia click here .

Stay Connected Stay Safe, Thank you

Basic Engineer

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