PyGame library is use to create video games. The PyGame most popular programming language. Pygame was officially written by Pete Shinners.
import pygame from pygame.locals import *
PyGame Library Function are followings:-
Function | Describe |
pygame._sd12.touch | This pygame module to work with touch input |
pygame | Top level pygame package | | This modulefor camera use |
pygame.cdrom | This module for audio cdrom control |
pygame.cursors | This module for cursor resources |
pygame.display | This module to control the display window and screen |
pygame.draw | This module for drawing shapes |
Pygame.event | This module for interacting with events and queues |
pygame.example | This module of example programs |
pygame.fastevent | This module for interacting with events and queues from multiple threads |
pygame.font | This module for loading and rendering fonts |
pygame.freetype | This module for loading and rendering computer fonts |
pygame.gfxdraw | This module for drawing shapes |
pygame.image | This module for image transfer |
pygame.joystick | This module for interacting with joysticks, gamepads, and trackballs. |
pyagame.key | This module to work with the keyboard |
pygame.mouse | This module to work with the mouse |
pygame.pixelcopy | This module for general pixel array copying |
pygame.scrap | This module for clipboard support. |
pygame.sndarray | This module for accessing sound sample data |
pygame.sprite | This module with basic game object classes |
pygame.surfarray | This module for accessing surface pixel data using array interfaces |
pygame.test | This unit test suite package |
pygame.time | This module for monitoring time |
pygame.transform | This module to transform surfaces |
pygame.version | This small module containing version information |
pygame.locals | This module for constants |
pygame.math | This module for vector classes |
pygame.midi | This module for interacting with midi input and output. |
pygame.mixer | This module for loading and playing sounds | | This module for controlling streamed audio |
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To know more about pyGame Library Function please Wikipedia Click here
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