Peewee is a Python library based on ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). Is is supports SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Cockroach databases. In the following this tutorial, we will be learning how to insert a new record, delete a record, create an index, and a many more using the Peewee library function in the Python programming language. It develops by a US-based software engineer Charles Leifer in October 2010.

The Field Types in Peewee
This model define the storage type of the model.
Field Type | SQLite | PostgreSQL | MySQL |
CharField | Varchar | Varchar | Varchar |
TextField | Text | Text | Longtext |
DateTimeField | Datetime | Timestamp | Datetime |
IntegerField | Integer | Integer | Integer |
BooleanField | Smallint | Boolean | Bool |
FloatField | Real | Real | Real |
DoubleField | Real | Double Precision | Double Precision |
BigIntegerField | Integer | Bigint | Bigint |
DecimalField | Decimal | Numeric | Numeric |
PrimaryKeyField | Integer | Serial | Integer |
ForeignKeyField | Integer | Integer | Integer |
DateField | Date | Date | Date |
TimeField | Time | Time | Time |
# importing the required libraries
import peewee
import datetime
# creating a database
db = peewee.SqliteDatabase(‘testSpace.db’)
# defining a class as Notes
class Notes(peewee.Model):
text = peewee.CharField()
created = peewee.DateField(default =
class Meta:
database = db
db_table = ‘notes’
# creating table
noteOne = Notes.create(text = ‘Book Store’)
noteTwo = Notes.create(text = ‘Copy Store’, created =, 12, 6))
noteThree = Notes.create(text = ‘Card Store’, created =, 12, 6))
noteFour = Notes.create(text = ‘pen Store’)
sqlite> select * from notes; 1|Book Store|2022-12-07 2|Copy Store|2022-12-06 3|Card Store|2022-12-06 4|Pen Store|2022-12-07
Meta Class Attributes
- Database
- db_table
- Indexes
- primary_key
- Constraints
- Schema
- Temporary
- depends_on
- without_rowid
Methods in Model class
- Classmethod alias()
- Classmethod select()
- Classmethod update()
- classmethod insert()
- classmethod delete()
- classmethod get()
- get_id()
- save()
- classmethod bind()
Field Class
- column_name (str)
- primary_key (bool)
- constraints (list)
- choices (list)
- null (bool)
- index (bool)
- unique (bool)
- Default
- collation (str)
- help_text (str)
- verbose_name (str)
Numeric Field classes
- IntegerField
- BigIntegerField
- SmallIntegerField
- FloatField
- DoubleField
- DecimalField
Text fields
- CharField
- FixedCharField
- TextField
Binary fields
- BlobField
- BitField
- BigBitField
- UUIDField
Date and Time fields
- DateTimeField
- DateField
- TimeField
- model (Model)
- field (Field)
- backref (str)
- on_delete (str)
- on_update (str)
- lazy_load (bool)
Other Field Types
- IPField
- BooleanField
- AutoField
- IdentityField
Insert a New Record
Example of Insert a new record
from peewee import * db = SqliteDatabase('mydatabase.db') class User (Model): name=TextField() age=IntegerField() class Meta: database=db db_table='User' db.create_tables([User]) rec1=User(name="Tanisha", age=15) a=User(name="Amit", age=18) User.create(name="Swati", age=22) q = User.insert(name='Abhinav', age=25) q.execute() db.close()
Bulk Inserts
Bulk Insert Peewee provides two methods :
- bulk_create
- insert_many
rows=[{"name":"Rohit", "age":18}, {"name":"Ritika", "age":22}] q=User.insert_many(rows) q.execute()
a=User(name="Kiran", age=19) b=User(name='Lata', age=20) User.bulk_create([a,b])
Following code uses both insert_many() and bulk_create()
from peewee import * db = SqliteDatabase('mydatabase.db') class User (Model): name=TextField() age=IntegerField() class Meta: database=db db_table='User' db.create_tables([User]) rows=[{"name":"Rohit", "age":18}, {"name":"Ritika", "age":23}] q=User.insert_many(rows) q.execute() a=User(name="mohit", age=15) b=User(name='mohine', age=16) User.bulk_create([a,b]) db.close()
Select Records
Following code uses select Record
rom peewee import * db = SqliteDatabase('mydatabase.db') class User (Model): name=TextField() age=IntegerField() class Meta: database=db db_table='User' print (rows.sql()) for row in rows: print ("name: {} age: {}".format(, row.age)) db.close()
logical operators | Describe |
== | a equals b |
< | a is less than b |
> | a is greater than b |
<= | a is less than or equal to b |
>= | a is greater than or equal to b |
!= | a is not equal to b |
<< | a IN b, where b is a list or query |
>> | a IS b, where y is None and NULL |
% | a LIKE b where b may contain wildcards |
** | a ILIKE b where b may contain wildcards |
^ | a XOR b |
~ | Unary negation |
Following code displays name with rupees>=600: (User.rupees>=600) for row in rows: print ("name: {} rupees: {}".format(, row.rupees))
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To know more about PeeWee Library Function please Wikipedia Click here
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