What is motherboard ?
- The motherboard is a main Component of a computer System.
- It is basically a larger circuit board.
- It connects the CPU, memory, hard drives, optical drives, video card, sound card, and other ports and etc.
- backbone of a computer is knows as motherboard.
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What is The FORM FACTOR ?
Motherboards come in different shapes and size and this is knows as a form Factors and in addition to its dimensions, the form factor includes the type of the power supply and the power connectors , the rear I\O panel, The mounting holes, and so on. So a form factor is a standard in computers that manufacturers follow to make sure that their parts are compatible with a motherboard.
The most common motherboard form factor is used in PCs today is ATX.
- ATX stand for Advanced technology Extended.
- Created by intel in 1995.
- A standard ATX motherboard is 12 x 9.6 inches.
- 20 or 24 pin power connecter.
- ATX motherboard has several expansion slots.
- If you want to know more about Public IP address, please check on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATX
- AT stand for Advanced technology.
- This was used back in the 1980s
- developed by IBM.
- AT motherboard are 12 x 13.8 inches
Micro ATX
- Micro ATX are smaller than ATX boards.
- It is a square design.
- Micro ATX board are 9.6 x 9.6 inches.
- This particular board has 3 expansion.
- These cheaper than ATX boards.
Mini ITX
- Designed by intel.
- BTX stand for Balanced Technology Extended.
- Flexible enough to work on both smaller & larger cases.
- Designed by intel.
- Designed for low-End, Low profile computers.
- uses a riser card for expansion cards.