In this tutorial, we will learn about the How to Install Python and Python has Significant Advantages in terms of.

Installation on Windows 11.

Visit the this link to download the latest release of Python. In this process, we will install Python 3.11.1 on our Windows operating system. When we click on the above link, it will bring us the following page.


Click on the download button

Download Python 3.11.1
Download Python 3.11.1


Select Customize installation and proceed. Click on the Add python.exe to Path check box, it will set the Python path automatically.

3.11.1 Python
3.11.1 Python


Click on the Documentation

Click on Documentation
Click on Documentation


Installation in Process

Installation in Process
Installation in Process


Open  the command prompt. Type the command python -version.

command prompt
command prompt

There are some different ways to run the python application


By using python command line

Python 311
Python 311

Just click on python.exe file w e will get command prompt shown below start the programming



By using system command prompt

Open the system command prompt type python command then we will python prompt.

command prompt
command prompt


By using Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook
Jupyter Notebook

Python has Significant Advantages in terms of

  • Pyramid, Flask, Bottle and Django are among the well known frameworks of Python.
  • Pyramid is a small framework which makes real-world Web applications productive.
  • Django is more mature and is one among the largest Web-based frameworks for Python
  • But Django is very hard to customise and troubleshoot, in some situations, due to its all- encompassing nature. This is one of its drawbacks.
  • Tornado is lighter in weight and has a few more features than Django. As I said earlier, Tornado is known for its high performance
  • Building API services for Mobile ( Flask )
  • Doing Scientific computations ( Numpy, Scipy )
  • PlotLib would enable you to create data visualizations.
  • Dealing with Data ( Pandas )
  • Numerous other things like scripting/ text processing/ machine learning/Natural Language Processing/ Text mining/ Web mining/ OpinionMining/ Sentiment analysis/ Big data system

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article.

To know more about Python Wikipedia please click here .

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Basic Engineer

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