What is FTP

  • FIP stands for file transfer protocol.
  • It is a standard protocol.
  • It is use to transfer files between computer and servers over a network.
  • FTP is the language that computer use to transfer files over a TCP/IP network.
  • You can also configure your own computer to act as an FTP.
  • There are a couple of ways to transfer files using FTP.
  • Transferring files between computer is a common use of using FTP.
  • The main drawback of using FTP is not a secure.
FTP File transfer
FTP File transfer

What is file transfer protocol Client

  • A popular free FTP client is FileZilla.
  • FTP Client provides a graphical user interface.

Common use FTP

  • Transferring files between computer is a common use of using FTP.
  • Common use of using FTP is to give the ability of website designers to upload files to their web servers.


  • The main drawback of using FTP is not a secure.
  • The data being transfer is not encrypt.
  • All the Data is sent in clear text.
  • FTP should only be used on a limited basis.

What is SFTP

  • SFTP stands for Secure file Transfer Protocol .
  • SFTP is just like FTP, except that it adds a layer of security
  • The data using Secure FTP is actually encrypt using secure shell during data transfer.
  • uses port 22.

What is TFTP

  • TFTP stands for Trivial File Transfer Protocol.
  • Very simple transfer protocol.
  • Not use to transfer files over the internet.
  • Mainly use for transferring files within local network.
  • TFTP is a connectionless protocol.
  • It uses UDP(unreliable transfer protocol) instead to TCP (Transmission Control protocol).
  • TFTP is not provide any security during the transfer .

If you want to know more about FTP, please check on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_Transfer_Protocol.

Basic Engineer

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