- Windows operating system is develops by Microsoft.
- Windows is release in November 1985.
- This systems belong to Windows NT Family.
- It is an close source software.
- It is paid software.
- Client need to have a valid and authenticated license to use it.
- Kernel type of Windows is Hybrid.
- Windows is very easy to learn and compared to Ubuntu.
- Windows is less Secure.
- it is not customizable.
- it is more user Friendly.
- In windows , file name are case insensitive.
- Windows is less reliable.
- it is more easy to catch viruses.
- Gaming reason windows is better than Ubuntu.
- To know more about Windows please check Wikipedia link Click here.

- Ubuntu operating system is develops by Canonical Ltd.
- it is release in 2004 October.
- This systems belong to Linux family.
- It is an open source software
- It is Free software.
- Client Not need to have a valid and authenticated license to use Linux software.
- Kernel type of Ubuntu is Manolithic.
- Ubuntu is Not easy to learn and compared to Window.
- it is Secure Compared to Window.
- In Ubuntu , file names are case sensitive.
- It is a customizable.
- It is more reliable and stable then Windows.
- it is a Less user Friendly.
- it is not easy to catch viruses.
- To know more about Ubuntu please check Wikipedia link click here