In this tutorial, we will learn about the Dictionary in Python. Its types, and how to use them with the help of examples.

List, tupple ,set data types are use to represent individual objects as a single entity. To store the group of objects as a key-value pairs use dictionary. Declare the dictionary data within the curly braces, each key separate with value by using : (colon) & each element is separate with comma. A dictionary is a data type similar to arrays, but works with keys & values instead of indexes. The keys must be unique keys but values can be duplicate. The values in the dictionary can be of any type while the keys must be immutable like numbers, tuples or strings. Dictionary keys are case sensitive- Same key name but with the different case are treat as different keys in Python dictionaries.

Note: As of Python version 3.7, dictionaries are ordered. In Python 3.6 and earlier, dictionaries are unordered.

Create a Dictionaries in Python

subject = {"English": "JRR Tolkien", "Science": "Stan Lee", "History": "Edgar Allan Poe", 
           "Math": "Roald Dahl", "Hindi": "Rabindranath Tagore"}
A Create a Dictionary in Python

Let’s run the code

Create a Dictionary in Python
Create a Dictionary in Python

In the above example, we have created a dictionary named subject. Here

  • Keys are “English”, “Science”, “History”, “Math”, “Hindi”
  • Value are “JRR Tolkien”, “Stan Lee”, “Edgar Allan Poe”, “Roald Dahl”, “Rabindranath Tagore”

Accessing Elements from Dictionaries in Python

roll = {1: "Roshan", 2: "Soshan", 3: "Rohit", 4: "Mohit", 5: "Shivam", 6: "Shri",}

The Accessing Elements from Dictionary in Python

Let’s run the code

Accessing Elements from Dictionary in Python
Accessing Elements from Dictionary in Python

Method of Dictionary

len()Return the length (the number of items) in the dictionary.
sorted()Return a new sorted list of keys in the dictionary.
clear()Removes all items from the dictionary.
key()Returns a new object of the dictionary’s keys.
value()Returns a new object of the dictionary’s values
all()Return true if all keys of the dictionary are True (or if the dictionary is empty).
any()Return true if any key of the dictionary is true. If the dictionary is empty, return false
items()Returns a list of dictionary (key, value) tuple pairs
setdefault()Similar to get(), but will set dict[key]=default if key is not already in dict
A Method of Dictionary

A Example of Dictionaries Method

# clear() method   
dict1 = {1: "CSS", 2: "Html", 3: "JAVA", 4: "Python", 5: "c"}    

# copy() method  
dict2 = {1: "CSS", 2: "Html", 3: "JAVA", 4: "Python", 5: "c"}     
demo = dict2.copy()  

# pop() method   
dict3 = {1: "CSS", 2: "Html", 3: "JAVA", 4: "Python", 5: "c"}    
lo = dict3.copy()  
x = lo.pop(2)  

# keys() method 
dict4 = {1: "CSS", 2: "Html", 3: "JAVA", 4: "Python", 5: "c"}

# popitem() method  
dict5 ={1: "CSS", 2: "Html", 3: "JAVA", 4: "Python", 5: "c"}
Example of Dictionaries Method
Example of Dictionaries Method in Python
Example of Dictionaries Method

Nested Dictionaries

A dictionary within another dictionary is know as dictionary or nesting of a dictionary.

Nested Dictionary in Python
Nested Dictionary in Python
Dict = {1: 'Basic', 2: 'Engineer',
        3: {'A': 'Hello', 'B': 'Student', 'C': 'Python'}}
A Nested Dictionary
Example of Nested Dictionary  in Python
Nested Dictionary

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