Hi reader, We have a problem on hand of finding maximum of three numbers using a computer and C language. For this problem to be executes by a computer, you will need C compiler and a C program to get us the result. C compiler is a tool, where as C program is to be develop by you after understanding the process involves in obtaining the results. What are the tools available for making the program
understand the problem better and thus develop an optimal C Code. The following techniques / tools
help you in better understanding the problem at hand.

C Programming Interview Questions and Answers for Internship

1. What is C language ?

C is a mid-level and It is a procedural programming language. It is a structured programming language. it is an assembly-level language means a low-level language, and a higher-level language. 

2. Who is the founder of C ?

Dennis Ritchie is founder of C language.

3. What are tokens in C language ?

A token is an atomic word. It can be a single character or a group of characters that can be recognized by a C compiler. it is recognized by the compiler and it is not be broken further. keyword, string, Operators, constants in use C program are refer to C Token.

4. What are basic data types support in the C Programming Language ?

They are four basic arithmetic types.

  • Basic Types
  • Enumerated types
  • Derived types
  • Void Datatype

The Basic Datatypes Supports in C Languages are Follows:

short, char, int, long, float, double and long double

5. What is the use of printf() and scanf() functions ?

Printf() functions:- The printf() is use for output. It prints the given statement.


printf("format string",argument_list);  

scanf() functions :- The scanf()  is use for input. It reads the input data.


scanf("format string",argument_list); 

C Language Interview Answers and Question for Fresher

8.  What is the difference between the local variable and global variable in C ?

Global Variable

These are declarations such as include sections, define statements, function prototype declaration, and declarations of structures and unions etc, have scope that extends to all functions. It means, any variable declared in global section can be access by all functions. This section appears before main () function is knows as Global Variable.

Local Variable

All the variable declared in a function are automatically allocated space in stack area of the memory. The scope of the variable is local. It means that a variable declared in a function, is accessible only within the function is knows as Local Variable.

9. What is an Array in C ?

Array is a group of similar types of elements. size and type of arrays cannot be changed after its declaration is knows as Array

There are two types of Array

  • One-dimensional array
    • One-dimensional array is stores the elements one after the another.
  • Multidimensional array
    •  Multidimensional array is contains more than one array.

10. Find The Sum of Two Numbers

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
    int a, b, c;
    printf("Enter first  number : ");
    scanf("%d", &a);
    printf("Enter second number : ");
    scanf("%d", &b);
   c = a + b;
    printf("Sum : %d\n", c);
    return 0;
sum of two number in C progamming
Sum of two number

C Language Interview Answers and Question for experienced

11. What is a union?

Unions are useful when memory conservation is the criteria. Union, like structure holds data types like int, char, float etc. The major difference is that union holds only one data object at a time. It means that all the variables declared in a Union share the same memory location

12. What is the difference between call by value and call by reference ?

Call by Value

Mode of data transfer between calling function and called function, by copying variables list as arguments into called function stack area, and subsequently, returning the value by called function to calling function by copying the result into stack area of the main function is called Call by value.

Call by reference

For large data items occupy large memory space like arrays, structures, and union etc become very high. Hence, we do not pass values as in call by value, instead, we pass the address to the function. Note that function once receives a data item by reference, it acts on data item and the changes made to the data item also reflects on the calling function. This is like passes address of original document and not a Xerox copy. Therefore, changes made on the original document applies owner of the document as well. Note that arrays are always forward by call by reference.

13. what is Pointers ?

They point to location in memory and not value and are very efficient to move multiple data items between main program and function as function arguments. In addition you can have pointers to a function. Pointer would facilitate reassignment of value just like you can point any one with your index finger.

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article.

To know more about C Programming Interview Questions please check Wikipedia click here.

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