
Multithreading in Java

Multithreading is the process to achieve multitasking feature. Actually, using multithreading concept, we can execute more than one process concurrently with java program. We know every java program is a process and that may contain various sub-process. If we want to execute these sub-processes simultaneously within process or program than multithreading required.


Exception Handling in Java

Exception handling is a process to trap the logical errors and manage it within program without terminating the flow of execution. Error is the mistake happen in computer that produce irrelevant activtes during compile or run time. The action on things that not fulfill the result is know as error.


Interfaces in Java

Interface is pure-template class because it holds abstract method (no need to use abstract keyword) as well as final data. The Interface can be define using interface keyword. There is no individual meaning of interface class means we cannot create abject of the interface class. The importance of interface class with normal class by inherit it. This proves the concept of multiple inheritance because multiple inheritance can be inherited with a single class. Interface provides implements keyword for inheriting it with class. Interface is a always be public scope.


Final Keyword in Java

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Final Keyword in Java in Java. How to use them with the help of examples. The final keyword is use for making data, method and class as constant. Final keyword is use to denote constants. Once any entity is declare final, it can be assign only once.


Polymorphism in Java

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Polymorphism in Java or Varargs in Java. How to use them with the help of examples. Polymorphism means is many forms. It occurs when we have many classes that are relate to each other by inheritance is know as Polymorphism. In other words, One thing with many forms. Polymorphism is a one of the important features of Object-Oriented Programming. Polymorphism is derive from two Greek word :- poly and morphs. The word poly means ‘many’ and morphs means ‘forms’. A concept by which we can perform a single action in different ways.


Abstract Class in Java

Abstract Class in Java is a kind of class. Abstract class is the partial template class whereas some methods are in define from and some are declare form. The abstract class contains both normal method and abstract method . The abstract class can be define using abstract keyword. This class has no individual meaning means we cannot create the object of the abstract class but we can use it by inherit with some other class.


Jump Statements in Java

In this tutorial, we will learn about the Jump Statements in Java, or its types, and how to use them with the help of examples. Jump statements are use to unconditionally transfer program control from one point to elsewhere in the program. Jump statements are primarily use to interrupt loop or switch-case instantly. 
Java supports three jump statements: 
Break Statement
Continue Statement
Return Statement.