JavaScript most popular client sided scripting language. JS is a light-weight object-oriented programming language which is use by several website for scripting the webpage.

The file extension of Java Script is .JS. It is not secure because we can view source code after right clicking on web page.
- It is the most popular client sided scripting language which was develop by Netscape in 1995.
- It is main objective is to create dynamic webpages in this case we can perform operations at this case, we can perform operations at client side area.
- It is another job is to validate data in well manner on client side area before transforming on server.
- It is case sensitive.
- it is object based scripting language.
- It is an interpreter based scripting language.
- It can be execute with the help of web browser.
- It is portable because all web browser support java script.
- The file extension of Java Script is .JS.
- It support exception handling.
- It is does not support database.
- It is not secure because we can view source code after right clicking on web page.
Syntax of JS
source code of javascript
How to write program of JAVA Script
- <Script> tag
- it is used to write source code of JAVA Script.
- It can be written within <head> or <body> tag
To Identify and Access the DOM Elements
- First, Accessing elements By ID
- Second, Accessing elements By TagName
- Third, Accessing elements By className.
DOM Tree Structure
- Click (onclick)
- Double Click (ondbclick)
- Right Click (oncontextmenu)
- Mouse Hover (onmousenter)
- Mouse Out (onmouseout)
- Mouse Down (onmousedown)
- Mouse Up (onmouseup)
- Key press (onkeypress)
- Key Up (onkeyup)
- Load (onload)
- Unload (onunload)
- Resize (onresize)
- Scroll (onscroll).
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