Java Naming Conventions are several points to remember about identifiers. All the classes, interfaces, packages, methods and fields of Java are given according to Java naming convention.
Naming Conventions Rule in Java
The most important rule of Naming Convention in Java Programming Language.
Class Name
In class name each first letter start with capital letter and rest words will be in small letter. It should be a noun. It is Use appropriate words, instead of acronyms.
Interface Name
In Interface name each first letter start with capital letter and rest words will be in small letter. It should be an adjective. It is Use appropriate words, instead of acronyms.
Method Name
In method name, first word will be small letters and rest words first letter will be capital and rest letter will be small. It should be a verb.
Variable Name
In variable name, first word will be small letters and rest words first letter will be capital and rest letter will be small. It should not start with the special characters and Avoid using one-character variables.
Package Name
In Pack name should be a lowercase letter. If the name contains multiple words, it should be separate by dots (.).
Constant Name
In Constant name should be in uppercase letters. If the name contains multiple words, it should be separate by an underscore(_). It may contain digits but not as the first letter.
Java Program Syntax
Syntax of Java programClass name { Public static void main ( string arg[]) { ------ ----- } }
Name:- It is class name provided by user . it may be capital, small or mixed letters or by following class naming convention rule.
Public:- main() always be public because accessible outside.
Static:- occupy a memory which is used every time of running the program.
Void:- It is keyword not data type, that returns nothing.
String:- pre-defined class used for string value.
Args:- it is object of string class that refers command line arguments.
Saving java program
Java program may be saved with class name having extension .java, It is a compulsory.
First Java Program | Hello World
Input Value
First Java Programpublic class hello { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Hello World"); } }
Let’s Run the code

Output Value

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