This blog will give you a complete understanding of the widely used wireless technology specially on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.


  • It works on radio frequencies
  • Long-range wireless technology.
  • Stands for Wireless Fidelity.
  • Consumes high power.
  • Range 2.4GHz – 5 GHz.

User Point of View

  1. Check Wi-fi configuration in mobile data sheet
  2. Speed with depend on the hardware type and technology

Technical Point of View

  1. Wi-fi works on 2.4 GHZ bandwidth.
  2. Very fast and reliable.
  3. Safe for user as well as data latency.

If you want to know more about Wi-fi password Security , Please check on wikipedia.

Bluetooth VS Wifi


  • Bluetooth wireless technology.
  • it is a short-range wireless technology.
  • Works on radio waves.
  • consumes low power.
  • range 2.400 GHz – 2.483 GHz.

If you want to know more about password Security Bluetooth, Please check on wikipedia.


  • Wi-Fi is a long-range wireless technology and Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology.
  • More devices can communicate at the same using Wi-Fi than bluetooth.
  • Higher bandwidth in Wi-Fi compare to bluetooth.
  • Cover upto 32 meters range with WiFi but Bluetooth covers only 10 meters.
  • High consumption of power in Wi-Fi than Bluetooth.
  • Bluetooth is less secure than Wi-Fi.

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article. 

Stay Connected, Keep Reading. Thank you.

Basic Engineer

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