About Basic Engineer
Basic Engineer is the page where we can conclude our context of writing and sharing about us to our readers. We are a team of software engineers, data scientists, hardware engineers with the experience of more than 15 years. We also work in the field of IoT domain. We have developed this website to explore our knowledge to the people who are not able to join any paid courses due to lake of money and he here we have provided full courses for free. Basic Engineer is a platform where you can get free online content on Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, Python, Matplotlib, Tableau, TensorFlow, and hardware. This is all about Basic Engineer Team.

If you want to become a Data Scientist, you can develop your project by reading all the details, project execution plans and codes available on Github.
You can contact us on below social media handles.
If you are facing any issue or need help, please message us on Instagram for quick response.
Thanks for reading about us and helping us to grow our software students and encouraging us by giving your feedback in article and blog comments as well as social media direct message options.
Stay happy, stay safe and make projects for the betterment of your skills.