Wrapper classes are the classes provided by java programing these can be use as data type , because it is a wrapper class, so it wrapped. The datatype and some associated method in a class.

There are 9 wrapper classes in Java

  • Short
  • Interger
  • Long
  • Float
  • Double
  • Character
  • Boolean
  • Byte
  • String


Method (Static)

  • parseInt() :- Converts other types value into int datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into integer type.


Method (Static)

  • parseLong() :- Converts other types value into long datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into long type.


Method (Static)

  • parseChar() :- Converts other types value into char datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into character type.


Method (Static)

  • parse() :- Converts other types value into float datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into float type.


Method (Static)

  • parseBool() :- Converts other types value into bool datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into boolean datatype.


Method (Static)

  • parseDouble() :- Converts other types value into double datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into double datatype.


Method (Static)

  • parseByte() :- Converts other types value into byte datatype.
  • valueOf() :- Converts other types value into byte datatype.


public class wra {
        public static void main(String[] args) { 
          Integer a = 25; 
          Double b = 25.36; 
          Character c = 's'; 

Let’s run the code

Input Value
Output Value

System:-  It is class defined within java.lang package that permots input  and output.

Out:- It is pre-defined static object of system class used for displaying message or value of variables.

Methods of out object

Print():-  This method displaying the message and value of variables in current line.

Escape sequence character are allowed

  • \n = new line      
  • \t = tab space
  • + = string concatenation

Println():-  This is similar like print() but unlike print(), It creates new line after displaying the message or value.

If you have any queries regarding this article or if I have missed something on this topic, please feel free to add in the comment down below for the audience. See you guys in another article.

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Basic Engineer

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